Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Bush's War on the Middle Class

The Bush administration likes to say that under its care the American economy is humming along, creating jobs and wealth, and spreading prosperity throughout the land. They often point to the booming stock market to support this claim. Middle-class Americans hear these assertions, ponder their mounting debt, and wonder how they got left behind. The truth, of course, as many know, is that Bush's policies have been terrific for the rich and terrible for everyone else. The Democratic Policy Committee, a study group of Democrats in the U.S. Senate, has posted a comprehensive, accessible report on the realities of Bush economics and how this administration has mounted an unprecedented assault on the financial health of the American middle class. This report spells out in frightening detail how the ties between the Bush administration and corporate interests have led to higher costs for everything ordinary Americans depend on, including college tuition, fuel, and health care. The natonal debt has risen out of sight, and our economic future is more insecure than at any time since the presidency of Herbert Hoover.

In every respect, middle-class families are buffeted by policies that diminish their purchasing power and transfer wealth upwards. The rich get richer, corporate profits rise, and the middle class feels the squeeze.


Anonymous said...

It appears that we are now the hunted in our own lands.
Who do these people think they are? They can publicly talk about a war on us. They must be very comfortable in the fact we value TV and the internet more then we value our freedoms.
I want to congratulate everyone on laying still long enough to get these fools to step out of line.

Now lets show them what war really is……… They will more than likely win. Let’s cost them as much as we can. Do as much damage as possible. Stage rallies, hold demonstrations, do anything you can think of. Be creative. We DICTATE to the government how to conduct themselves….. Not the other way around. The news reports that the war on terror is the second most costly in American history. Second only to WWII. Let’s change that fact.
We need more of you letter writers stepping up the ante. If you write to three government officials ten times a month, we need 6 government officials twenty times a month. Those of you who would take it up a notch…….. Violence isn’t the answer, but who am I to dictate to you how to live. If you insist you are here for more than writing letters Do everything you can to avoid killing or hurting anyone. Remember we are not here to kill Americans, we’re setting them free of tyranny.
You don’t have to touch a man to knock him down………… Turn the soil into mud, turn the ice into water, turn the sand into dust and they will sink in the quagmire.

The system tries to convince people that rebellion means end of days. How arrogant. There will be people, a working government and Americans long after we are free of the system.

Still x Waiting = 41

- Tyler Goines
05 08 07

PS : www.archives.gov read the Declaration of Independence

Anonymous said...

I am one of many of the middle class feeling the pinch of our corrupt government. I believe it says in the declaration of independance that it is our responsibility to remove these tyrants from power.

I quote "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, --That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

Ask anyone who is not filthy rich if they are happy and living the american dream. I am not. Our government needs to wake up. If not, the people need to wake up and see that the only way is to remove this government forcefully. We have seen that they can control an election. We have seen that they can kill a president that is for the people. They can attack another country on false pretences and when later it is discovered that it was done for their own best interest. They chalk it up to a mistake. A mistake made 5 years ago and our troops are still fighting over a mistake?!!!!!!!!

Soon I fear the only course of action will be a second american revolution. Thank the lord for the right to bare arms.