Sunday, November 04, 2007

Invading Iraq: What Have We Achieved?

* American Deaths: 3849
* Cost of the war: $465,730,004,018
* Documented Iraqi civilian deaths: 76,075 – 82,883
* Likely total civilian deaths: 1,099,372
* Iraqi refugees: over 4 million
(all the above as of 4 November 2007)
* Imminent war between Turkey and Iraqi Kurds
* Al Qaeda stronger, with more recruits, enhanced standing through the Islamic world
* Pakistan on the verge of civil war
* Iran's position in the Gulf strengthened
* Loss of American prestige around the world
* Loss of constitutional liberties
* Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo, torture as official U. S. policy, civil war in Iraq

What has the U. S. invasion of Iraq NOT produced?

* Weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, evidence that Iraq was in any way connected to 9/11, evidence that Iraq was a threat in any way to the U.S.


Anonymous said...


I'd like to add to your list of things not accomplished.

1. No stability on the region

2. No Osama bin Laden

3. No democracy for Iraq (Heck,we
don't even have that anymore.)

Gromit said...

Thanks, Anonymous. The list could go on and on:

For the first list, what we have achieved, we could add:

huge profits for Haliburton and Blackwater; the lowest approval rating for any recent President; the introduction of "waterboarding" to ordinary discourse; bringing al Qaeda to a place where it had previously had no presence; the establishment of Shi'ite gangs throughout Baghdad and the southern provinces; ethnic cleansing in previously mixed neighborhoods in Baghdad; distribution of Amercan arms and cash to unknown parties, etc., etc.

And for the second list, what we have not achieved, we should add:

protection of Iraqi museums and other cultural treasures; adequate production of Iraqi oil; delivery of utilities and other amenities to Iraqi citizens; protecting Iraqi civilians from the depredations of Blackwater and other mercenaries; etc., etc.

There is no end to the evidence of Bush-Cheney incompetence.