Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Vote for Fairness and Equality - Vote NO on #2

Don't be fooled by the typically tricky wording of Michigan ballot proposals.

Voting NO on proposal #2 means voting for a level paying field for all Michigan citizens.

Until we have parity in schools and boardrooms across this state and land, and until racism and sexism are just bad memories, we MUST be allowed to incorporate programs that promote diversity and equality.
No on Proposal #2
is the right thing to do.

1 comment:

Steve Sutton said...

Tricky wording? The proposal states exactly what it would do – prohibit preferential treatment in public education, public employment and public contracting. Even the Michigan Supreme Court ruled the petition used was clearly worded.

Proposal 2 still allows programs to benefit the underrepresented. Ten years ago a similar proposal passed in California. The University of California still maintains programs that assist minorities and women. For example, the goal of UC’s Louis Stokes California Alliance for Minority Participation is to significantly increase the number of degrees granted to underrepresented minority students in science, engineering, and mathematics. In addition, UC’s Society of Women Engineers conducts programs such as Girl Scout Day to expose the world of engineering to K - 12 grade girls.

Feel free to check UC’s site for confirmation on both facts:

CAMP: http://www.camp.uci.edu/overview.html
SWE: http://www.seas.ucla.edu/swe/special.html

If we’re going to promote racial equality, we must promote equal treatment for races. Allowing the state to choose people based on their color does not promote racial equality. Vote YES on Proposal 2.